Wednesday, 14 August 2019

The Need For Hiring Rehabilitation Centre

Rehabilitation centres allow you many facilities and services as per your needs. They help you to get rid of drugs/alcohol with proper treatment facilities. In simple words, rehabilitation centres are a ray of hope for people that allows living without addiction. Drug addiction among people is a common issue that needs to be avoided as soon as possible for a better life. People start using drugs for enjoyment but later it becomes a more dangerous and serious problem for them. Quitting the use of drugs is not an easy process. It cannot take place without the help of rehabilitation centres. If we talk about the best rehabilitation centre in Kolkata, Alyana is the best choice. Here we will discuss what is need of hiring rehabilitation centres.

Help to quit drugs or alcohol: Rehabilitation centres help to quit the use of drugs or alcohol. They give proper training and medication to get relief from drugs.

Facilitate numerous treatments and therapies: Alyana is best De addiction centre in Kolkata that allows many treatments and therapies for drug addicts. The team of well-trained doctors examine everyone and recommend suitable treatment as per their health status. So the patients can recover from drugs within less time.

Suitable guidance and supervision: The skilled and trained staff of the rehabilitation centre is available to help and guide the patients. They are responsible to take care of the patients that are enrolled in the centre.

Teaching addicts to deal with relapse: As quitting drugs is not easy, there is a need to teach addicts to deal with relapse. Thus Alyana Alcohol rehabilitation centre in Kolkata helps to deal with the worst conditions while quitting the drug use. 

Monday, 12 August 2019

Some treatments and therapies for drug addicts

The use of drugs is increasing among people and recovery from this addiction is very difficult. To get rid of these drugs, people choose rehabilitation centres. These centres apply several treatments and therapies on patients to get better recovery results. Alyana is one of the best rehabilitation centre in Kolkata that provides a wide range of treatment facilities to drug addicts at lowest possible rates. There are some treatments and therapies are discussed here that are provided by the Alyana.

Inpatient Rehab: It is a structured treatment program provided by De-addiction centre in Kolkata. In this treatment process, patients have kept in a substance-free environment and access some treatment and therapies. It is the best treatment option for those individuals who are suffering from mental or behavioural disorders.

Outpatient Rehab: This treatment process help to those patients who do not want to live in rehab centres and the recovery process takes place at home. They access numerous treatment sessions within a week. During this treatment process, patients can care for their families while attending treatment sessions. 

Drug and alcohol detox: Alyana Alcohol rehabilitation centre in Kolkata use detoxification process during drug rehab programs. It is the first step in treating patients from moderate to serious forms of addiction. In this process, the patients stop taking the drugs and the whole body of the patient is detoxified with medicines. It is essential to control the condition of patients when they stop the use of drugs. 

Biofeedback therapy: It is a type of drug free therapy. In this therapy, a therapist places electronic sensors on a patient’s skin to observe their brain activity. By observing brain activities, the therapist suggest a wide range of psychological methods that help to reduce drug addictions. 

Dialectical behavioural therapy: This therapy helps to enhance self esteem, improve stress management skills and help in fast recovery. 

Friday, 9 August 2019

Homoeopathic treatment for alcohol addicts

Alcohol addiction is a major issue in society. It is defined as the addiction to the consumption of alcoholic drinks frequently. Once the individual start taking drugs, they become unable to quit its use. Alcohol is a second in the category of the drug after cigarette that is commonly used by a maximum of the people. To get rid of alcohol, there is a Rehabilitation centre in Kolkata, known as Alyana. They allow many treatment facilities to alcohol addicts which include homoeopathic and allopathic treatment. Homoeopathic treatment is able to treat alcohol addicts effectively. There are some medicines suggested by the Alcohol rehabilitation centre in Kolkata to get rid of alcohol addiction. Such medicines include:

Nux Vomica: This medicine helps to get rid of alcohol when alcoholism in its initial stage. The people who started the use of alcohol from a small period of time, Nux Vomica is very useful medicine for them. It gives faster relief against the drinking issue. It starts showing its effect within a few months only.

Cannabis Indica: It is a type of medicine which is made from the marijuana plant. Cannabis indica helps in not only detoxifying the body from the ill impact alcoholism but also helps to prevent associated symptoms. 

Sulphur: Sulphur is used to cure many health issues. It is very useful for those who are suffering from liver problems due to drinking. Sulphur is recommended to prevent the degeneration of the liver.

Natrum Mur: The use of Natrum helps to produce blood cells, maintain cellular regulation, and produce albumin. These help to cope with alcohol. It also helps to cope with depression.

Avena Sativa: This medicine is made up of oat leaves and helps to relax the senses. It also detoxifies the body from alcohol. 

Alyana De addiction centre in Kolkata provide treatment for any type of drug under one roof.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Tips for Drug addiction prevention

Drug addiction is penetrating in our society from the last few years. Addiction is a very serious issue that is very difficult to treat or prevent. But it can be prevented and treated to some extent with the help of rehabilitation centres. These centres provide numerous therapies and treatments to patients to get rid of it. Alyana is one of the famous Rehabilitation centre in Kolkata due to its better treatment facilities. There are some tips to prevent the use of drugs. These are given below:

Effectively deal with peer pressure: Most of the people start using drugs due to their friend's pressure. Once they start taking it then it is difficult to leave for them. Thus, avoid the company of these type of friends. If you are in the company of such type of friends then find a good way to say no. 

Learn to deal with life pressure: Today, people are suffering from many problems and pressures in life. In such cases, people start using drugs. To cope with these situations, find other ways like to read good books, create something to handle stress. Do anything positive and relaxing that help to divert your mind.

Examine the risk factors: Alyana, Alcohol rehabilitation centre in Kolkata suggest that try to understand the physical, biological and emotional risk factors that you possess and overcome them. The usage of drugs in the family, living in a society that promotes drug use can be risk factors.

Keep a well-balanced life: People start using drugs when their life is unbalanced or they are unhappy about their lives. They should try to live happy in every situation by reading some inspirational stories and quotes.
Alyana is considered as best De-addiction centre in Kolkata that helps to avoid the use of drugs in any stage of life.

Monday, 5 August 2019

Impacts Of Alcohol On Human Body

The rehabilitation centres has become the major need of society with the increase in the number of addicted patients. As the drug addicts are increasing, also the rehabilitation centres are increasing day by day. Rehabilitation centres help to get rid of any type of drugs with proper treatment and therapies. There are many types of drugs such as cannabis, heroin, tobacco, alcohol and many more. These drugs impact the human body very badly. Among all these drugs, the use of Alcohol is very common among people. Alcohol has a negative impact on the body which cannot be seen initially but noticed after some time. Some impacts are defined by the best Rehabilitation centre in Kolkata i.e Alyana:

Impact according to age: The capability of the body is different for everyone. Therefore the impact of drinks and other food items also varies from body to body. In older people, it may cause to lose their body balance. In teenagers, the use of alcohol increases aggression and other emotional reactions.

Impact on adults: In adults, the use of alcohol decreases the ability to handle things. Alcohol rehabilitation centre in Kolkata observed that alcohol decrease the thinking ability of adults and make them more aggressive.

Impact on elders: In elders, the amount of water and blood decreases in the body. Due to this, they reach higher levels of BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) very easily and a small amount of alcohol  is enough to impact their body.

Impact on women: Women has less capability to digest alcohol as compared to men. The consumption of alcohol by women lead to breast cancer problem among them.

Impact on men: Alyana, De-addiction centre in Kolkata stated that men suffer from many health issues due to alcohol. Alcohol impact the lungs and liver of men. It reduces testosterone levels in men.