Friday, 25 October 2019

Importance of The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy During Addiction Treatment

Cognitive behavioural therapy is the process of identifying the irrational and negative thoughts that help to curb the behaviour of a person. Because negative thoughts play a vital role in developing any addiction. With the help of this therapy, therapists can help addicts to replace their behaviours with new activities. Alyana, that is the best rehabilitation centre in Kolkata also include this therapy in addiction treatment. These activities can divert the behaviour of addicts that is responsible for their addiction. Due to these benefits of this therapy, almost every addiction treatment include this therapy in their sessions. Along with this, there are also some other benefits of this therapy. These benefits are given below:

     This therapy helps to cope with negative thoughts of the person that is responsible to encourage them to take drugs.
     De addiction centre in Kolkata uses this therapy to enhance the confidence of the people. Because the lack of confidence can convince people to take drugs. With the increase in confidence, people feel no desire for drugs.
     Drug addicts can learn to defend against peer pressure with the help of cognitive behavioural therapy. With the cooperation of peer pressure, the addicts can visualize themselves in saying no to addiction. This therapy also prevents them to use drugs when others convince them for this.
     Best Nasha Mukti Kendra in Kolkata use this therapy to provide individuals with a complete support network. This can help patients to avoid that behaviour which helps them to take drugs.

Monday, 21 October 2019

Tips To Get Drug Free Life

People are used to many types of drug addictions. Such addictions impact their lifestyle a lot. The use of drugs can disturb the mental and health status of the people. Thus, it should be treated as soon as possible. Quitting the use of drugs is very difficult for a common person. Because it needs proper care and treatment under the supervision of professional doctors. If people try to quit on its own, it may be dangerous for their health. They may die due to the deficiency of the drugs. So, they can take treatment from the best rehabilitation centre in Kolkata. It can treat any type of drug addiction. There are some tips given by this centre to get rid of drugs:

Adopt a pet: de addiction centre in Kolkata suggest that if you want to quit drugs, adopt a pet. Animals need more care and make you feel loved and needed. Thus, adopting a pet can help you to quit drugs.

Spend time in nature: nature is the best part of our life that help makes us happy and refreshed at any time. Thus, spend a lot of time in nature and do some physical activities. These activities help you to keep motivated and stress-free.

Pick up your hobby: everyone has one or two hobbies. These hobbies keep them happy and busy. Thus, start doing whatever your hobby. According to Alyana that is the best nasha mukti Kendra in Kolkata, it will help a lot to divert your intention from drugs.

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Formulas To Be Used To Overcome Alcoholism or Drug Addiction

Today, people are more addicted to drugs and suffers from many types of health issues. This addiction to drugs or alcohol can be overcome with the help of the best rehabilitation centre in Kolkata. They suggest some formulas that can help quit the use of drugs effectively. This does not require any special care or treatment. There are some steps to be followed by addicts to get rid of drugs, which are given below as:
Until the addicts do not take responsibility for their addiction, they cannot be recovered. Because they will keep using excuses if they are not ready to quit the use of such drugs. Thus, take responsibility for your drug use before quitting it. Motivate yourself that you are responsible for this, and only you can help yourself to get rid of it.
DWIT (Doing Whatever It Takes)
Make sure that you have the guts to say to yourself that you can do anything that can help you to recover from your addiction. If you are serious then avoid making any type of excuses and do that is needed to do. De addiction centre in Kolkata recommends that never find the chance to take drugs and then justify the reason behind it. It will never work for you to quit the use of drugs.
Unlock your potential
You should join programs, learn how to meditate, make new friends, read books, start a new hobby and take classes to divert your attention from drugs. Decide that you want to fulfill your potential mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. These tips are looking weird but very useful.
Reach out
Some people feel very scared or ashamed to ask for help and stay stuck in a life of addiction. You should not kill yourself due to lack of help if you want to start your new life. Ask for help and get suitable and required treatment. The help of dear ones is very powerful that gives you the courage to start your life again and cope with drugs.
Alyana is considered as Best Nasha Mukti Kendra in Kolkata that helps to get rid of any type of addiction.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Various Impacts Of Drug Addiction

The use of drugs is common among people for enjoyment. They have a misconception that a less amount of drug cannot impact the body. But in reality, when they drink alcohol, it is absorbed into their bloodstream and spread in their body. Thus, the impact of drug addiction is very wide on them. Once, individuals start taking drugs it cannot be stopped easily. They have to join any de-addiction centre. Alyana is one of the best rehabilitation centre in Kolkata that helps to get rid of drugs. Craving is one of the psychological drug addiction impacts. Drug addicts believe that they cannot handle life without the use of drugs.
Alcohol use also causes emotional and physical changes that can harm your body. The long term impact of alcohol can put your life in danger. In addition to this, according to the de addiction centre in Kolkata, the excretory system is responsible for processing and eliminating waste products such as alcohol from your body. But the addiction to drugs can impact its functioning badly. Moreover, the liver is also another important part of the body that help filter unwanted substances of the body. Alcohol has a great impact on the liver. The problem of the liver is very dangerous for humans. It may cause death.
Alyana is one of the best Nasha Mukti Kendra in Kolkata that have observed that with the use of drugs, pancreas and liver do not work properly, thus the risk of hypoglycemia increases. It can be a dangerous problem, especially for people with diabetes. Alcohol addiction also increases your risk of liver cancer.

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Significance Of Group Therapy In Addiction Treatment

Numerous therapies are used in the addiction treatment process that can treat addicts effectively. One of them is group therapy that is very popular in addiction treatment due to its effective and social nature. This type of therapy takes place in the company of a therapist who expert in behavioural and addiction therapy. Groups can be comprised of 8-15 people who are addicted to a substance use disorder. The motive of this type of therapy is to help people achieve awareness regarding their abuse while taking benefit of peer support and feedback. It is important for addicts to make interaction with others to heal and recover from addiction. Alyana is the best rehabilitation centrein Kolkata that allows such type of therapies to individuals.

In the case of group therapy, individuals will hear the experiences and efforts of other people in the group. They can discuss and analyze the problems to reveal support for their peers. This type of interaction can assist group members to provide solutions for their problems and give guidance to individuals to make healthy decisions and grow.

Alyana is renowned de addiction centre in Kolkata and provides group therapy. It allows emotional support due to which they don't feel alone. It will be easy for individuals to quit drug abuse with the help of group therapy. The new person who joins the group can learn from other’s experience.

Best Nasha Mukti Kendra in Kolkata teach the group members to understand the importance of discussing their thoughts and emotions with others. They can express their anxiety, stress and drug cravings with the help of others.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Treatment For Drug/Alcohol, Addiction In Kolkata

Addiction is a bad habit of something. The addiction of anything is very bad and need to treat as soon as possible. One of them is drug addiction that is very common among people. People start taking drugs for enjoyment but after some time it becomes a habit of them and difficult to leave. Addiction to something includes coffee, tea, alcohol, drugs, gambling and many more. To get rid of the addiction, a rehabilitation centre in Kolkata is recommended. They can treat any type of addiction effectively. They teach people about the bad effects of drug addiction. The people who want to quit drugs use can refer to rehabilitation centres. They provide some counselling programs that help people to quit their addiction. There are some types of addiction

Drug addiction
It is a kind of habit to some narcotic drugs. People take this to reduce their pain and stress. But the use of these drugs can impact badly on human health.

Alcohol addiction
In this type of addiction, someone begins taking alcohol in large value regularly. This type of addiction is very harmful to one’s body or brain. It does not only impact the body of someone but also impacts the personality of someone. Alcohol rehabilitation centre in Kolkata is recommended for best treatment facilities.

De addiction centre in Kolkata provides immense drug addiction treatments that help people to quit their bad habit and again obtain a healthy and happy life. They provide healthy surroundings to drug addicts.