Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Alcohol addiction treatments at Alyana

Today, addiction to drugs is very common among people.  Alcohol is one of the major addiction in society. It is not only damaging society but also causes damage to patients and their families. Alcohol is very dangerous for health as it impacts the human body negatively. It causes to slow down the whole body process and mental illness. Thus, the proper and timely treatment for alcohol addiction is needed as soon as possible. Among Alcohol rehabilitation centre in Kolkata, Alyana is famous for its better treatment services for alcohol addiction. It provides better treatment to drug addicts with the help of the latest therapies and techniques. The alcohol treatment at Alayna follows various steps which are given below as: 

Assessment Stage: Initially, Alyana Rehabilitation centre in Kolkata provides an in-depth check-up of the patients to know the current condition of patients.  According to the health condition of patients, the treatment is provided to them. The immediate treatment to patients does not impact only the physical well-being of the person but also have an impact on the mental wellbeing of individuals. Therefore, doctors wait for some time to recognize that the given treatment suits to a person or not. After this stage, the next stage of treatment starts. 

Detox stage: In this process, the patient is kept under the supervision of doctors. They detoxified the whole body of patients with medicines. Most of the cases, patients start showing the withdrawal symptoms within 3-5 hours. 

Behavioural Therapy: This therapy helps to predict and change the unhealthy behaviour of patients. Due to this behavior, they try to harm themselves. Doctors learned the unhealthy behaviour of patients and try to change it with the help of different types of therapies. 

Understanding Alcoholism: Once the patient changed their self-harming behaviour, it is essential to learn more about alcoholism.  It helps to prevent patients from weakening. 

Perfect support group: Alyana De addiction centre in Kolkata believes that support group show better results as compared to those who don’t.  Support group not only encourage the patients but also increase the recovery rate. 

Alyana Centre allows de-addiction treatments for numerous vices like alcohol addiction, drug addiction, and substance addiction and so on.     

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